Antique and Recycle Shop Katsu 骨董&リサイクル Katsu

Fukuoka Antique Store

Antique shopping in Fukuoka.  Antique and Recycle Shop Katsu is a small shop but packed with retro goodness.
We bought some retro Mitsuda-Cider glasses an a Monkey(Saru) Vinyl Coin Bank for Kyouwa Bank.

Address: 2 Chome-8-27 Shimizu, Minami Ward, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture 815-0031

Date Visited: Nov 26, 2014

Antique Shop: Fukuoka

Cafe CQT (Kurikotto) 焼き菓子 カフェ クリコット

Fukuoka Cafe

Cafe CQT (Kurikotto) - Located in an old apartment building now filled with artist and retail spaces. The owner who serves hand dripped coffee drinks and baked goods she has prepared for the day operates the cafe.

The cafe has a small gallery space and sells items from local artist. We picked up a Glass Car by Izumi Morikuni  and a Cermaic Boat by Koubousora.

Kuriko is the shop corgi dog.

Website: (blog in Japanese only)
Address: Fukuoka Prefecture, Fukuoka, Minami Ward, Ogusu, 3 Chome-7-26 Asada Building 2nd Floor

Date Visited Nov 26, 2014